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So after year of serving queen
A task received from tyrant king.
To gate of Tyrne returns the man
Completing next of task his plan.

"From court of queen your serf returns
To stand at gate of city Tyrne.
And ask from king the next of task
So groom in arms of wife may bask

Once twelve of task are quickly done
And fates their mortal weave have spun.
In Lydia demi-god will live
With queen whose heart was hero give."

When hearing voice the kings enraged
At clever ploy the hero waged.
Besmirching king of Tyrnes own name
And causing tyrant deepest shame.

By winning heart of feral queen
And saving life with wits so keen.
"A fool of king the hero made
When hero won the quest I gave.

For feral queen her suitors hates
Including king who layed the bait."
And king forgot his devious will
To give to hero task he can't fulfill.

And slay the man by giving quest
A task to hard for man to best.
Instead he sought to bring him shame
And lessen hero's growing fame.

He's won completing labors twelve
Then wreak on godling laughter fell.
"The Augean stables lie unwashed
For many years at greatest cost.

To Augeas go a give your aid
To clean his stables in ruin layed."

Hercules and his Twelve LaborsWhere stories live. Discover now