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  • Tyche | Technoblade x Reader
    286K 13.5K 36

    Rumors of a revolt have been spreading like wildfire across the mansion. The Greshams were not poor in terms of power and money, but they certainly had a ways to go to overtake the rulers of the overworld. You turned a blind eye to the rumors, continuing your work as their right-hand housekeeper. That was until you we...

  • Apples of the Earth: A Technoblade x Reader (ON HIATUS)
    354K 12.9K 59

    When (Y/n) befriends a stranger who helped her in the woods, she doesn't know her new friend is a war hero and heir to the throne who is looking for a bride. When it seems she barely knows her own father, who's to say she can trust these feelings she's never felt before? _________________________________________ I do...

  • Predator (DWT x OC)
    1.3M 46.8K 146

    "Where do you think you're going princess?" he taunts, mouth pulled back in a smirk. I don't move, every part of my body is frozen, every muscle coiled to snap. He closes in, forcing my back against the rough part of a tree, masked face leaning in inches above my own. "Scared are we?" ---------------- Rosemary is the...