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  • THE 2.5 CULT
    1.9K 122 6

    Welcome to the 2.5 cult book, where all the cult members shall talk about: 🌱 themselves. 🌱 probably about the future projects. 🌱 more random things, probably.

    2.1K 156 4

    Do you want to join the Weakling Cult? Come on in and fill in the form!

  • Riordanverse Fanfictions in a Nutshell
    44.5K 2.4K 46

    Welcome to this book by @Bookfunreader123 and @riptide2406, also known as Amber and Selene. This is our special place where we roast every overused Riordanverse fanfiction trope available and write horrible cliché fanfiction to prove a point. If you read today, you get a bonus of horrible humor and annoying (Y/N)s. Yo...
