interactive // インタラクティブ
the interactive part of the maid cafe.
By Gé, the admin of Tetsurou_Kuroo •=--------=• Rejection hurts, it can for a while. Days, Months, Years even, and it sucks. Its sucks especially when you're stuck in the friend-zone. Yamaguchi Tadashi, just a first year kid, so innocent... Well he's more than just a pure soul, he's a hopeless romantic, and it's kind...
catsurou: yo h00t: yO catsurou: YO h00t: YOOOOOOOO catsurou: YOOOOOOOOOO Daichi: How do I leave this chat? ↠ In which Kuroo and Bokuto decide to make a skype chat ft. Daichi ↞
haikyuu!! maid cafe rules & other. stay tuned for lists of employees, the menu, and of course rules and regulations.