Dear Substitute, Thank you for teaching the class in my stead! Please remember, if Prussia is hit into the ground we have American butter in the fridge and if students wish to play 'Toss The Sealand' it's fine and completely appropriate.
Now then, report cards will be due soon, so please start to write them. Feel free to be completely honest, the students will (probably) not hurt you! Just remember to look for the warning signs, like your pipes missing and such. Anyway, talk to you later! Read the report cards of the countries in numerous criterias such as math, science, language, and of course, Toss The Sealand.
If you have a certain country you'd like to request, please do so! I love talking to you guys too, so comment away~
Future Plans:
-2P Country Report Cards -Role Playin Chapter (You'll see later!)
This is gonna be crack like and random stuff. I'll probably do some role play with characters. This was when I was a new Hetalia weeb, forgive my grammar mistakes!
DISCLAIMER: I don't own Hetalia