Zoey knew there were stories about the catwalk. Everyone had stories about it. Things like that - dark, old, abandoned things like that - collected stories. They collected ghosts like a child collects baseball cards. Everyone you talked to could tell you a different ghost story about the old train bridge. But the only stories Zoey knew to be true were the girls. The jumpers. But what other stories about the catwalk were true? What really happens when you walk out on the bridge at night? Maybe it's something Zoey would be better off not finding out. -- Awards -- 🥇1st place in short stories, The Monthly Elimination Awards (July, 2017) 🥈 2nd place in short stories, Royalty Awards (August, 2017) 🏅 Winner in horror, The Flowers Awards (2017) 🥇 1st place in short story, The Freedom Awards (2017) 🥇 1st place in short story, The Tick Tock Awards 2017