WICKED was ready. Everything was in order. Their plan was ready for action, in fact they had already started collecting their subjects. They had collected at least twenty when they picked up one that changed everything. WICKED was ecstatic, this was a perfect new variable for their perfect trials. It would cause everything to take longer but it would be worth it. WICKED couldn't wait. The Timekeeper was the answer to their question. She would get them the cure. In which she is insane but she also insane THIS IS A KIND OF REWRITE OF THE NEW GIRL, MY FIRST EVER FANFICTION!! IT HAS A COMPLETELY DIFFERENT PLOT BUT IT WILL HAVE THE RETURN OF CHARLOTTE AND THE RETURN OF SOME SCENES!! [©-ellet1girl or Laurel Thomas 2017 All Rights Reserved Pre-The Maze Runner and Pre/During The Fever Code Started September 2017-Present]