Rose Uzumaki formally known as Rose Namikaze is the first born of Minato Namikaze and Kushina Uzumaki, a prodigy much like Itachi. She became ANBU captain at the age of 12 but left once her parents died to take care of her little brother changing her last name to Uzumaki. One day the third Hokage had a mission for her, she had to leave for a whole year on this mission, she was to train to be able to contain the 9 tails if it ever tried to control her little brother. Her and Kakashi met when she was only 11 and part of the ANBU when she went to see her father after a mission and started dating after a few months of knowing each other right after she turned ANBU captain. Minato wasn't too happy that his little baby girl was dating his prodigy student at such a young age while Kushina was ecstatic about it. Little did she know that her boyfriend would become her little brother's sensei.