You are a new exchange student, from where ever you want. You arrive to UA through recommendation. As soon as you arrive you become interested in the hot headed Katsuki Bakugou, but you aren't afraid to express how you really feel like everyone else. Nobody fucks with you. Especially because of what happened in your pass. Your quirk is water manipulation. Kind of like Katara from Avatar the last air bender. You can change the state of water from a solid (ice) to a liquid and use it for offence and defence. You can also wrap water around your arms like a octopus (it makes more sense if you look it up from Avatar). Finally, you can also use water to heal others. However, the full moon may give you powers, which enables you to blood bend. At least, 80% (correct me if im wrong) is water. This allows you to control people and use them almost like puppets. Sorry for the long description.