louis is simply a hipster. but, he likes girl's clothing. so.
anyway; harry is an indie style boy who is mostly seen driving around the town in his beat up truck (it's endearing), or sitting in the back of the local library, his face hidden by a book and his - classic - fedora.
when they - inevitably - meet, it is by louis slamming into a surprised, and clumsy harry.
once louis has ran off, harry notices the lipstick smear on his shirt, and finds that he can't get it to wash out... but that's okay, because he considers it to be a work of art.
In the year 1907 Louis Tomlinson left his home to find a job. He was a grown up now and there was too many mouths to feed back home. He was heading to London but he was getting more and more desperate. No one wanted to hire him.
When he woke up after spending an other night outside a circus was passning him by and he decided to ask if he could join them. Desperate times took desperate meassures. While he was looking for the owner, Mr Payne he ran into a young man that introduced himself as Harry. When Mr Payne didn't want to hire him Harry vouched for him and a new and exciting time was ahead of him. But it would also be a very confusing time as he got to know the young man named Harry...
Purely fictional. Smutwarning.