Yes. I'm so obsessed that I made one of my own. Pretty Pathetic. Spots Filled: 3/16 We are going to be making our own one. To cast your votes or murder anyone, you must get the details into a PM with either me or the other person. This goes w/ conversations, murders, gifts, or anything else like it, too! Our time where murder, trials, and basically anything important happens is from 8 AM - 11 PM (Central). If you cannot be on one day, that is excusable, but please notify me! I'll basically be Monokuma. There is no guarantee who the mastermind will be. Once we have the players, I will randomly pick someone to be the mastermind. If you are murdered, do not tell anyone who murdered you. :( That will be no fun. The first chapter is for describing your character. Remember: When picking your Ultimate, think of what a highschooler can do! (i.e. You can't pick a blood spatter specialist, etc, etc.) When murdering someone, PM me details so I can put it in the Monokuma files. ;) After a person is murdered, you will have until the next day (real time) to find out what happened. PM me where you search, again, so you can actually find things!! Remember that this is a game. If you say anything inappropriate directed towards someone (Not their character, but them) You will not be participating. First come, first serve. (Sorry in advance)