In a world where,Honkai,a unknown being that originated from the void,Sirens,a race from unknown lands and an organization named Sangvis Ferri are attempting to destroy the world and wipe out humanity,global task force groups and organizations rose to fight the new enemy
Schicksal,an organization that trained woman to become Valkyrja,warriors that would fight against the Honkai threat
Azur Lane,an organization and branch of the navy,that raised and reconstructed past warships into girls using the power of a new object to combat the Sirens at sea
G&K PMC or Griffin & Kryuger Private Mercenary Contractor,an organization tied with the famous I.O.P company that transformed guns into girls or known as T-Dolls,to fight the Sangvis Ferri
together,the 3 organizations pushed back the other worldly threats and took back most of humanities,land,sea and sky,it did not last forever however,it reached a point that the 3 organizations could not push the enemy any farther and soon the enemy pushed back and took a lot of humanities territory again,this was because the girls lacked coordination to fight properly,to fix this,the 3 organizations set up an academy that would train people to lead the girls in hopes to help them in the fight,anyone could join the academy as long as they we're qualified and they could choose which organization they would choose,it proved to be a great success as with the help of Captains,Commanders and Generals,the girls performed significantly better than before
as time passed the academy continued to train people to command the girls but the 3 organizations were splitting,arguments happened,disagreements occurred and fights between the 3 broke out,in the end,the 3 organizations left each other to fend for themselves,using what they got to protect their side,despite this the war came to a stalemate,with no side able to push the other but what happens when the academy brings a recruit that would serve all 3 major organizations
The war between humanity and the sirens going on since WW2 nothing had change but one day eight of world best soldiers had the ability to kill the sirens.
Until one day the eight soldiers were killed by a siren humanity thought has they have lost but the higher ups agreed to turn the eight of them into ships.
The commander knew that something bad was going to happen so him and some scientists decided to create a time machine if something does happen he send them back in time.
what will happen to our Eight soldiers
I don't own anything other than the oc's everything goes to their respective owners.