Five Great Beasts have died in the battle, Briggan the Wolf, Uraza the Leopard, Essix the Falcon, and Jhi the Panda, all sacrificed their lives in preserving the peace for humans. With them, they took down one of their enemies, Gerathon the Serpent. But now, they are coming back, the Five Fallen, are coming back as spirit animals.
Spirit animals are something that are mainly dreamed of. Animals that will be your partner forever until you die. Of course, you'd have to bond with them, gain their trust, but it would still be an honor to have one. It's a spin of the wheel, such a futile thing to leave it up to, luck.
Nirvana knows that there's a high chance that she won't get one, she already has the skill set needed to survive the streets as a thief, to provide for herself, what else could she ask for. If it were up to her, she'd be fine living her life on the run, for the thrill.
But she's finally chained down, chained down by her spirit animal. Having Gerathon as her spirit animal wouldn't have been too bad, but her luck is also the end of her freedom.
It's a give and take, isn't it?