30 parts Complete In the year 21XX the world was attacked by monstrous Aliens, called The Nexus. As Humanity began to fear that there demise was immanent, a organization known as Re:bel came along and reverse engineered the technology of the aliens.
With the alien technology, they created powerful armor's called Re:volutions. Only a small handful of people could use with out sny side effects.
One of the hero's who fought the Nexus was a young man named Redington Redgrave. During the final battle against the Nexus, he sacrificed himself to destroy the leader and the majority of the Nexus.
10 years later, Redington's sister Misato is the new commander of a new group of Re:volution user's.
The Nexus leader may be gone, but there are still a few strays loose that are trying to get revenge.
Will the Nexus rise again or will Re:bell stop that from happening?
read and find out.
(all pictures, videos ECT belong to there respected owner's)