"Yeah, it's true. I do swear a lot. And that's only one of my issues. I've also got broken things in my head." When you're 14,000 kilometres from home it's important to have good people around you. Although for nineteen-year-old Shannon Smith finding those good people wasn't always easy. Not when her first instinct is to hide. Not when dealing with anything new is such a mammoth task. Not when she's yet another kid finding her way on the circuit - and when the only place in the world where she feels normal is on the tennis court. Shannon's year was never supposed to be this long, she was never supposed to be so far from home. And home was calling. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Cin City is a story of bravery and adventure; of love, family, and friendship - of finding life beyond your limits. Cin City is about the costs and benefits of life. Cin City is about diving into the unknown and coming up for air.