In an alternate universe, taking place after the events of Mega Man Zero 4... a universe where ZX does not occur Ciel was able to restore peace to the world. Thanks to Zero's sacrifice, humans and Reploids were finally living as one civilization of love and acceptance. However, in this world.... Ciel never got to complete her Biometal Project and died supposedly looking for Zero. It was in this world, that a boy named Cole Light was born and raised into. However, Cole wasn't treated well by others... as many blamed Dr. Thomas Light and Dr. Albert Wily on the previous suffering of the world. Then, everything changed... a disease spread that killed almost every human and Reploid alike... except for a few adults... and a whole lot of kids and teenagers... and that's when Ravena took control of the world. The corporation led the charge to imprison surviving children and new model Reploids in Containment Zones... but a few were chosen to become super soldiers to stop a potential rebellion... one was Cole Light... and after being freed by rediscovered Maverick Hunter legend, Axl... a new Mega Man will have to fight to restore the world again...