The beginning of 2016,China suddenly claims South Sea China as his own.Many nation fought back especially Indonesia.To counter this,nation who's area claim by China created Joint Maritime Excersice with the best ship they have in South China Sea to watch China movement. The member from Malaysia, Indonesia, Thailand, Phillipine, Vietnam and Singapore.The trend continue to year 2029.But that year quiet special because the magnetic storm suddenly appear and hit the harbour at Vietnam before the excersice begin.After that,some of the ship missing after the storm leaving handful of the fleet at the harbour. Follow the journey of the fleet (or flotilla) in Azur Lane world.Can they return back to original world where no alien ship exist? NOTE:THIS ASEAN FLEET ARE IN ALTERNATIVE FUTURE WORLD.I DO NOT OWN AZUR LANE AND ANY NAME,PLACE ETC.ANY OF THAT JUST COINCIDENCE (°L°)
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