Silence is normal for him. Sitting and waiting,shimmering purple eyes glazing at the sunset before him. A whisk of reds,oranges and yellows blending in to make the best photo of all time. But Purpled was still a kid,16 years of age and already had the blood stains of a killer,eyes wary and old. Many scares he bared from completing an assassination attack,he did it for the money. Everythings for the money,no one looked after him. He had to raise himself from the age of 5 when his Big Brother Dream took custedy and slowly deluged into madness. The boy remembered the nights he cried in the corner of his bedroom,curled into a ball gribbing his dirty blonde hair tightly as Dream rattled his door handle begging to be let in. Of course muttering about all the people on the Server and how he had to protect Purpled from the sewer rats that prowled the land. From then on Purpled knew it would be a rocky road. But Still he never forgot the ache in his chest of loneliness. It was normal. Silence was Normal.All Rights Reserved