this is story revolves around a man called aswin and his family. he was trillianaire business man lives in london. he accepted the challenge of overcoming his father died . he accepted the challenge of being first in studies. he accepted the challenge being first in sports and culturals for his friends. he accepted the challenge of opening company. he accepted the challenge of making it in india and some important countries. he accepted the challenge of making his company as first. he accepted the challenge of coming as millionaire then billionaire and now finally a trillianaire to shut the mouth of the world against them because of without a dad life. he accepted the challenge of living in Coimbatore . then he accepted the challenge of joining his mother to there family . then he accepted the challenge of the family rejoined first to join them with her mother. then he took the challenge of get accept for his love towards her angel. he accepted the challenge given by destiny . totally he was accepting a challenge filled life for his loved ones