The story follows high school students Sasuke Uchiha, the second son of to the CEO of a top entertainment company, Sharingan Entertainment, and Shiori Hyuga, a top idol and third child of the CEO of Sharingan Entertainment's biggest rival, Byakugan Entertainment. Both companies plan to have a solid partnership and future merging with each other, but the problem is, being rivals for so long affected the mentality of the members from the respective companies. For the next few years, Sasuke and Shiori must pretend to be in a relationship to build unity between the two companies. But Sasuke still pines for his first love who holds the key to his locket, a symbol of his past love This is a crossover between Naruto and Nisekoi. This story is inspired by a story with the same title written by a really great writer, яυηυ-cнαη. I read her story on quotev and I loved it. I wanted to take a spin at it too so I asked her for permission if I could rewrite her story. And fortunately she said yes. She's wonderful so please check her story out as well
45 parts