GREEK MYTHOLOGY, HELLENISM, PHILOSOPHY & HIGH FANTASY demythologized from not Hellenic Pagan Mythologies, Philosophies and Fantasies by Douglas Ribeiro, a blessed Ethnic Hellene, Hellenic Pagan. The word ethnic comes from the ancient Greek word ethos related to native culture, religion, aesthetics and ethics. Ethnic doesn't come from the ancient Greek word gene related to genetics, genealogies and ancestry. As Socrates the ancient Spartan besides Athenian Philosopher, Marathon War Hero Veteran, Missionary, Apostle and Martyr of Apollo, God of Truth, Cure, Medicine, Muses, Archery and Protector of Youth wisely said: Anyone can be [Ethnic/Pagan] Hellene. Xenophobia (Xenia + Fear) is a horrible sin against Xenia, our Holy Divine Goddess Protector of Foreigners and Strangers, our sacred value, principle, concept and law of Hospitability which inspired the creation of Hotels and Hospitals. Real Hellenic Pagans are not against Xenia, a Divine Being. It's sacred Hellenic Law. The same sacred law Paris of Troy, Hellene of Sparta and Aphrodite disrespected when they were manipulated by Eris, the Evil Goddess of Discord, Quarrel, Selfishness and Strife, who caused the destruction of Troy. Real Hellenic Pagans are not against foreign and strange beings and things to our ethos (culture) especially when these beings and things are the ones we're looking for to know, revive, reconstruct, learn, teach, worship, venerate, love, live and admire. Foreigners or not, strange or not join us in this heroic journey to Olympus. To Sky, Heaven, Lights and Stars as the etymology of Olympus (Omega + Lympus; The + Lampos: The + Limpidus) says. To Elysian Fields and the Island of the Blessed in afterlife, part of Olympus in underworld. May the Holy Divine Ones in Heaven, Sky, Stars and Lights help and protect us all from Eris (Evil), Kakia (Vice), Oizys (Misery, Depression, Stress and Anxiety), Phobos (Fear, Terror and Panic Attack) and Hybris (Insolence, Mockery and Arrogance).
"I've told you, Hades, I can not become your mistress." she sadly told him. She had always lived in her mother's shadow, and if she followed Hades, she would once again be living in another's shadow. Even though she loved him, she did not think she could stomach it.
"I do not want you to be my mistress, Persephone, I want you to be my queen," he confessed to her. She snapped her head up to meet his eyes, searching for any sign he wanted to take his words back, but there was no remorse. And just like that, she fell ever so slightly more in love with him.
"Your queen?" she asked, she had to be sure. Strangely the word had slid off her tongue gracefully as if it had belonged there.
"Yes, become my queen," he told her once again, taking back the step she had taken. "Rule besides me as the goddess of spring and the Underworld."
The words don't seem to make sense in her mind.
Further description in the book
#1 - MYTH RETELLING (as of October 1st, 2021)
#1 - GODDESS OF SPRING (as of Nov 23rd, 2021)
#1 - HADES TOWN (as of Jan 13th, 2022)
#1 - HADES AND PERSEPHONE (as of Feb 9th, 2022)
#1 - GREEK MYTHOLOGY (as of March 29th, 2022)
#1 - QUEEN OF THE UNDERWORLD (as of April 4th, 2022)
#1 - PERSEPHONE AND HADES (as of April 20th, 2022)
#1 - GOD OF THE UNDERWORLD (as of April 20th, 2022)
#1 - KING OF THE UNDERWORLD (as of Dec 22, 2022)
#2 - HECATE (as of Nov 4th, 2021)
#2 - DEMETER (as of Jan 29th, 2022)
#2 - KING AND QUEEN (as of Feb 21st, 2022)
#2 - PERSEPHONE (as of Sep 20th, 2023)
#3 - GREEK MYTH (as of May 6th, 2022)
#4 - MYTH (as of April 21th, 2022)
#4 - RETELLING (as of May 10th, 2022)
#4 - UNDERWORLD (as of 26th, 2023)
#6 - HADES (as of April 8th, 2022)
#6 - DIVINE (as of May 6th, 2022)
#41 - OLYMPIANS (as of Feb 9th, 2021)
#55 - GREEK (as of May 8th, 2022)
#61 - OLYMPUS (as of May 8th, 2022)