Hardin, an ambitious, worker in publishing, determined to tell untold stories, who has a background of a family that's broken into pieces.
Tessa, a dance enthusiast, under the influence of her mother's resentments, makes so many wrong choices, that bring her to a life of challenges.
A rocky friendship very quickly turns into something more between two people and they soon find that their work dynamic, isn't exactly healthy for their relationship. One part of the two lovers, finds herself feeling a new emotion in the centre of her heart, but can she say it out loud?
The other is scared of losing so much more than he can begin to explain to her.
When a turn of events, brings them opposite to each other, as rivals, in more than one way a colleague is, what do they salvage here? Their relationship, their jobs, or themselves.
This book is a what happens next if Hardin would have went back to London after "getting kicked out of school". It picks up 5 years later at Landon's wedding. It is the first time Hardin and Tessa have seen each other in 5 years since he packed up and left. They are about to figure out a lot has happened to each other in the past 5 years and the past isn't always in the past. They will realize quickly that Hardin being back is going to flip both their worlds upside down.