Jack Frost was a normal boy who lived a simple life...Not. Jack Frost is the spirit of winter who ruled The Xavier School For Gifted Youngsters with his friends-the big four-the popular kids. Only Jack was unhappy with his situation. Before this school he had been a grand Guardian protecting the children of the world. Until the accident. That one slip up meant he was now on magical probation. Elsa was a preppy teen searching for the time of her life-Yeah right. Elsa Queen of Arendelle is a frightened teen who finds herself at Xavier's School For the Gifted one early morning. She will uncover a new strength of self worth, the ability to control her ice powers, and a happiness she never thought she could have, all with the help of her new friends. These two characters hardly know that they are about to embark upon a quest that will not only save their school from the evil forces that lurk in the shadows but will recover a lost past either had no clue existed.