Maya and the Three is a fantasy cartoon limited series created by Jorge Gutierrez. (Who also created the book of life.) The series is inspired by a rich, vibrant mixture of Aztec, Maya, and Inca mythology, and modern-day Caribbean culture. (Before you decide to read this story make sure you've watched the series first, trust me it'll make a lot more sense if you already seen what's going on..) (Also y/n uses they them pronouns in this story! I did this so anybody of any gender can read the story without using feminine or masculine pronouns for the reader.) Y/n is a Half human and Half god/goddess who was brought into the underworld along with their twin sister Maya. Their mother, Lady Micte, (Goddess of Death) brings them into her husbands palace, Lord Mictlan (God of War). Mictlan despises the half inbred gods, close enough to take their lives as infants, but his wife convinces him that he has the advantage of gaining ultimate power if he sacrificed one of them as they became older. They had an agreement to sacrifice Maya, but with Y/n they have different plans for them..The two gods send them up to the mortal world and wait 15 years for these two twins to grow. (ART COVER IS BY @lumise05 ON TWITTER)
13 parts