This is an Agent Jones x Reader Fortnite fanfiction story that takes place during the Chapter 2, Season 6 Zero Crisis event and continues throughout the future seasons. Here's a summary:
Y/N has been stuck in the Loop for a long time now, and throughout their time in it, they've witnessed a lot of events occur. Out of all of them, though, there was one particular event that interested them the most. A special one that involved the Device.
It was during Y/N's time as a Ghost agent. When Midas finally showed his true allegiance, he activated the Device, attempting to push back the Storm. That wasn't all it did, though. It also managed to transport Y/N to the Bridge for a few, short times. During those times, they always ended up in some sort of office, hearing many voices outside of it. The last time, though, was when they met Agent Jones, who was a member of the Imagined Order at the time.
About 10 months have passed since the Device event, with Y/N continuing to think about who that strange man was. However, they would soon meet again when the IO loses control of the Zero Point, forcing Jones to betray the organization and get help from the Seven, along with a surprise companion as well. A companion with some unanswered questions and an interest to get to know the sharp-looking man.
All rights go to Epic Games and all the other developers of Fortnite.
This story is all about the mind of Midas. A business man who had built The Agency to defend the island from a formerly dominating team in Shadow, and their commander in Vex.
The Agency is a place where Agents wouldn't have to fret, and agonize their enemies.
However... the Agents seem to be conflicted with Midas' behavior, as he always keeps to himself, and only talks to his Agents if there's meeting, assignment, or just caught outside his office once in a while.
All he does is just stay alone in his office... and in that room that no one's allowed in except for that doctor of his. What's in there? What does he do in there?
Is Midas who he says he is? Or is there... something more sinister going on?
Rated M for mature themes, sensitive psychological themes, drama and violence.