In the year 2300, Commonwealth Minutemen have been able to take control of the entirety of the Commonwealth of Boston. After the Nuka World liberation of it's Raider inhabitants, Far Harbor eventually joins the Minutemen. The Brotherhood chapter of the Commonwealth has relocated to the Mojave Wasteland. Having realized synth refugees in Acadia and a synthetic Vault, the Railroad reforms to protect these synths from extinction. Late 2300, the Commonwealth became a land of laws. Feral Ghouls and Gunners were annihilated, Super Mutants were driven off or destroyed entirely, the radiated wildlife has been suppressed almost completely, to the point where the hostile wildlife of The Island face near-extinction. The 30 settlements of the Commonwealth were reunited under the purpose of prosperity, yet heavily fortified to prevent any attack. The New California Republic effectively ends hostilities between itself and the Brotherhood of Steel, and works to create expansions across America. The Children of Atom reside in the contained Glowing Sea, given independence to live in the New Commonwealth, but with the rise of the Siblinghood of Nothing, their holy war is but around the corner. The pre-War robots were halfway destroyed due to malfunctioning, but under the leadership of Isabel Cruz and Ada, they reformed and joined the Minutemen. The very few raider gangs that remained in the Commonwealth were slowly risking destruction one by one. The Commonwealth was becoming something new. But in the West, the New California Republic takes notice of the new Provisional Government. Yet... Even when the Commonwealth converges onward to peace... one thing remains: war. Because war never changes.All Rights Reserved
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