Life swerves unexpectedly when solitary hitman Akemi Gushiken finds herself on the same team as Rei Suwa and Kazuki Kurusu, thanks to her childhood friend Kyutaro. Akemi is the last of the Gushiken bloodline, her family having been wiped out by another organization. She was whisked away by a trusted friend of her family, the Kugi family, and grew up with ambitions of joining the mafia, adopting a new identity to protect her singular life mission. To exact revenge and unearth the truth behind her family's murder. With Rei and Kazuki, Akemi assumes a maternal role as they care for Miri. Like Rei and Kazuki, she has much to learn beyond the mafia business. Love, though? Akemi is inexperienced and hesitant, fearing the potential loss that comes with the mafia life, a reality she's experienced firsthand. But will she eventually open up to Rei? About love, her real identity, and her past? *READER DISCRETION ADVISED* This story includes descriptive sensitive and mature content! tw: violence, smut, sensitive language, profanity ⊹ non-canon; some based off of Vio Shimokura's Buddy Daddies storyline but not entirely ⊹ slow-burn (ish) ⊹ rei suwa x female oc ⊹ will try to keep characters' personalities as close as possible ❝ you're the one my heart longs for. ❝ Past Rankings: #1 reisuwa #1 reixreader #1 miri #2 buddydaddies #3 animeoc
20 parts