In a world where humans and shifters coexist, a coming-of-age story unfolds with Ashlynn at its center. Turning 18 in three days, Ashlynn eagerly anticipates the evaluation that will determine her classification among the two main categories: Dominant or Submissive. With intricate sub-classifications like sub, slave, pet, or little for humans, and Dom, Master/Mistress, or Daddy/Mommy for shifters, the stakes are high. As Ashlynn navigates her tumultuous environment, haunted by her mother's unchecked wrath and her own fragile existence, she teeters on the edge of a society where abuse is unforgivable and justice is swift. As her mother's actions lead to a devastating reckoning, Ashlynn's story unfolds.
Book one of the Shifter Series.
Arron had been asking his father if they could move for the better half of his freshman year because of the other shapeshifters and humans bullying him, but when his dad suddenly dies in a car wreck on the way home from work, his mother decides it's time to go.
Arron thought that she just couldn't take the constant flood of memories... everyone in their town knew his father and always offered their sympathies and stories, but they didn't understand that it hurt her more to be reminded of him, than it helped.
So now Arron calls Ridgedale home, and while it's definitely different than Washington, he could only hope that the kids at his new school weren't just as 'welcoming' as the ones at his previous one.