In the past, according to folklore and fairy tales, the world was once flourishing but has now descended into chaos and despair. Decades ago, the vampire race rose to power, asserting their dominance over humanity. The powerful and fearsome Luikings ruled over the Luriins, leading a relentless war against humanity driven by their insatiable thirst for power and control. The world was forever changed when vampires emerged from the shadows, revealing their existence to humanity. These immortal and superhuman creatures swiftly established their authority over the mortal population. Humans were stripped of their rights and forced into a position of servitude. Vampire hunters became a rarity as they were relentlessly hunted down during the dark of night, ambushed when least expected. Many lost their lives in these encounters, while others continued to fight, facing constant threats from the vampires they sought to defeat. In this dangerous and treacherous landscape, vampire hunters had to be cautious and conceal their secret lives. Their safety and success relied on maintaining a facade of normalcy, pretending to lead ordinary lives to avoid jeopardizing their cause. Vampires were skilled predators, and any mistake could lead to their swift demise. It was crucial to learn from the mistakes of their ancestors, as many vampire masters had been killed too. Evil organizations, driven by their desire for eternal life and dominance, worked on experimental plans to achieve their sinister goals. Their nefarious intentions aimed to instill fear, defeat, and despair in anyone who dared oppose them. They sought to manipulate the public eye, spreading the belief that vampirism was a horrible virus carried in the saliva of predators. Within 72 hours, it would spread through the human bloodstream, creating new parasitic organs, much like cancer.
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