In a world where danger lurks in every shadow and missions can mean the difference between life and death, the Phantom Legion stands as an elite group of commandos, taking on the toughest assignments for governments and private entities alike. Among them is Namjoon, a soldier haunted by a troubled past and the scars of betrayal from his former team. As he joins a new team, led by the dedicated Jin, he steps into a world of intense camaraderie and relentless challenges. Together with Jungkook, Taehyung, Hoseok, Jimin, and Yoongi, they must navigate a landscape of peril and intrigue, where every mission tests their limits and survival hinges on their skills and unity.
For some, death is salvation; an old friend they welcome with open arms.
For others, it's nothing but a horrifying afterlife.
And for those whose only reason to live was taken by it, it becomes a curse. When the curse happens, and the pain is too much, in its wake lays destrucion, grief, and the only way is not up. It's down. A complete descent into madness.
Book 3 of Mercenary series.