We all know the story. The Men of Iron rebel, humanity degrades into barbarism during the Age of Strife, Slaanesh is born through the depravity of the Aeldari Empire, the Imperium rises and falls and the galaxy burns in strife and bloodshed. But what if that which was ordained never came to pass? What if the Cybernetic Rebellion never happened? Can humanity defy the dark fate written in the stars with blood and sin? The Golden Age of Humanity of the 25th Millennium VS The Dark and Brutal Future of the 42nd Millennium. Fanfic Created by: Naranka Link of History: https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://forums.spacebattles.com/threads/a-light-not-extinguished-40k-daot-what-if-fic.939626/page-9&ved=2ahUKEwjgjP_hkNmHAxW1CrkGHcnODqsQFnoECBUQAQ&usg=AOvVaw2vxgHHtUX5s9ar-sObm6IZ
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