In the beginning, Star-Maker crafted the universe, creating humans, elves, demons, angels, and vampires-beings set apart from all other creatures in both form and spirit. To make them truly extraordinary, He bestowed upon them special powers linked to their birth months, calling them "Zodiacs." Each Zodiac power was unique, but the strength and nature of each gift varied widely. Every creature received their Zodiac at age fifteen, though some, due to unusual circumstances, would receive theirs earlier or later. Although every Zodiac held its own distinct power, some carried far greater abilities and were feared by others for the unknown force they could wield. Among these, Scorpios stood out as the most feared. Their power was vast and mysterious, and throughout history, Scorpios rarely lived long enough to understand the depths of their ability. Most vanished the moment they awakened to their Zodiac, and by 2012, Scorpio Zodiacs had become nearly mythical.
To protect these rare and fragile Zodiac holders, a group of powerful Zodiac wielders rose from the shadows to build a sanctuary: The Academy of Astrology, or A.O.A. This academy was created as a haven for those fifteen and older, guiding them to understand and harness their powers safely, and encouraging them to use their abilities to benefit the universe. As time passed, the academy flourished, expanding into new locations and welcoming students at increasingly younger ages. Eventually, children would enter school well before they received their Zodiac, eagerly memorizing each sign and its power, learning them by heart from an early age. Among the original campuses, one remained particularly prestigious-open only to students fifteen and older who demonstrated a power level of 5 or higher.
But what if, in a world defined by Zodiacs, a child is isn't given a Zodiac??
Read the story to uncover this mystery!
(Completed) Falling in love was easy; keeping it wasn't.
We started off as friends.
Slowly we realised we liked each other.
Then a kiss.
Which turned into date, and another date until;
'So you're my boyfriend, and I'm yours.'
If only it could've stayed that easy, it didn't;
Coming out,
Telling parents,
First time,
'It was impossible not to love Red. I just watched him as he excitedly and passionately talked about his favourite things, and couldn't help but feel an overwhelming sense of joy. I just admired the way his smile brightened when he saw something pretty, or the way he scratched the back of his head when he was slightly nervous but wanted to be casual, or the way he was just so amazing at making me feel happy. His whole being just caused me to lose myself in my love for him. It had taken me so long to ever feel this strongly about someone, but Red did it so effortlessly. He was the one person that had taken down all my walls, the one person that I could feel truly me with. It just made me so grateful to be sitting across the table with such an amazing person, who didn't even know how beautiful he looked.'
So much stuff happens in the story but please give it a read, it's not just a typical cliche romance.
Smut occasionally and I guess serious themes such as homophobia and bullying.