Dante's life at Academia Veritatis, a prestigious yet mysterious university, was meant to be a fresh start-a place to immerse himself in his studies and poetry. Instead, he finds himself plagued by vivid nightmares, strange symbols, and an unshakable pull toward forbidden areas of the campus. His path intertwines with Elias Noctis, a captivating and enigmatic student whose connection to Dante feels both fated and dangerous.
As the two uncover hidden secrets about the university's past-and themselves-they realize they are bound by a curse rooted in love, loss, and betrayal. Together, they must navigate a labyrinth of dreams, ancient mysteries, and forbidden love to break the cycle and reclaim their lives.
But in a world where nothing is as it seems, can love truly overcome the shadows of the past? Or will the echoes of history repeat themselves, tearing them apart forever?
The Course of Echoes is a spellbinding tale of love, destiny, and self-discovery set against a backdrop of academia and dark intrigue.
Perfect. (A leopika high school AU) (Discontinued)
13 parts Complete
13 parts
Hello! So this is heavily based off of another author's story! They gave me permission to write it, since they only wrote one chapter, which was 130 words, and I decided to finish it! Because I really like the idea. I really enjoyed writing this, and it's my longest fanfic! So enjoy