While struggling to adjust to life on Earth, Knuckles the Echidna takes on Belle's uncle, Wade Whipple as his apprentice, training him in the ways of the Echidna to help him prepare for a bowling tournament in Reno, Nev., where his estranged father is competing. During their journey, Wade reunites with his mother and sister, Belle's mom, while Knuckles is pursued by a former agent of Dr. Robotnik, who now seeks to take his power for himself. I don't own this series, it all goes to SEGA on Paramount Plus.
Liz is an unclaimed kid with no family and no idea of who she is.
Her only home is Camp Half-Blood
When Camp is at risk of being in the middle of a war because of the Gods that don't care about her, she will not sit back and watch as it happens.
Violence-Curses-Deaths-mentions of suic!des-suic!des attempts