After kissing you passionately, he pulls away.
"You love me, don't you?" he might as well have asked if you liked the rain. He came across as so distant, confusing you.
"Well, don't!"
With a breaking heart, you watch him leave, wondering what you did wrong. Leaning on the storm door, you watch him pull out of the driveway.
Angry at himself for being a coward, he pulls out of the driveway, berating himself. He wonders if you will ever forgive him, let alone understand why he felt he had to run. Was it to save himself or to save you from him?
You both have past scars that run deep and were taking your relationship slow. Did you overstep an invisible boundary when you kissed him like you did? Will he come back?
Will you take him at his word and not love him? Is this an opening for Jimin to confess his feelings for you?
Who will win your heart, Yoongi or Jimin? Will Yoongi realize his fear of love is unfounded and confess or will Jimin win your heart first?
A Yoongi fan fiction with an original character
(fyi - one character's conversations will be stilted. What he says is done with as few words as possible. These are not grammar errors but are done deliberately due to his method of speaking.)
Cover and story by LAJoyner