Ever since I opened my eyes, Jean has been there. Born from the same pregnancy, we were deemed the miracles of the Merman Clan. Because, if one female is already something to celebrate, what can be said about the simultaneous birth of two?
I thought I was, simply, a female from the Merman Clan. So I lived my childhood joyously, loving my sister and playing inside a bubble (both literally and figuratively). When our estrous cycle began, I did what I had to do for my clan. That is, I mated, but I was not like my dear sister. I loved, and I cherished the same merman from the very start... to the very end.
When my heart shattered, when all my hopes and prayers for an everlasting love under the sea were utterly destroyed, that is when, while weeping from my eyes the whole sea my clan ruled, my mind was flooded with memories, with old memories of a life and a time far, far away.
I had been 24. I had been scared to death of any romantic interaction and, yet, I had prayed and longed so deeply for a chance at love, a chance at feeling what everybody was looking for so desperately in the 21st Century...
Then, I died. And here, in my cave, I laid dead again from the very thing that I so deeply desired: love.