11 parts Ongoing MatureIn the year 2052, a devastating virus, engineered by the Russian government as a bioweapon, escapes containment before its completion. Within a year, the world spirals into chaos. The virus not only turns its victims into the undead but also renders the very air toxic with the breath of the infected, forcing the remnants of humanity to rely on gas masks to survive.
At the heart of this global catastrophe is City Six-a fortified, isolated city on the flat plains of an undisclosed location in Texas. It is said to be the last safe haven left on Earth. The story follows a survivor on a desperate journey to reach City Six, battling not just the relentless undead but also the perils of a collapsing world.
But as the survivor draws closer to the fabled city, an even greater threat emerges. Something far more dangerous than the infected lurks in the shadows, and the question remains: is humanity ready to face what's coming?