Welcome! Here, you will find all your yaoi and yuri shippings! Well, some of them.
Guarantee 100% Feels In Mostly Each Chapter
I have an app that randomizes my ships so XD LETS DO THAT
In this book, it will have pictures, and it will go good with the story.
I own nothing but the story itself
Here's the stuff "I Write, Can Write, and Do Not Write"
I write
Andrew x Doc Scratch, Jake x John, Kanaya x Rose, Porrim x Roxy, Gamzee x Karkat, Equius x Tavros, Sollux x BEN, Rufioh x Horuss, Cronus x Mituna, Porrim x Aranea, Latula x Meenah, Psiioniic x Signless
I can write
Dave x John, Karkat x John, Sollux x John, Dirk x Jake, Sollux x Karkat, Eridan x Karkat, Equius x Nepeta, Equius x Gamzee, Vriska x Terezi, Kurloz x Kankri, Dualscar x Psiioniic, Eridan x Feferi, Sollux x Dave, Mituna x Kankri
I do not write
Dave x Jade, Jake x Jane, Karkat x Nepeta, Gamzee x Tavros, Sollux x Feferi, John x Vriska, Eridan x Nepeta, Cronus x Kankri, Rufioh x Damara, Mituna x Latula, Kurloz x Meulin, or Cronus x Meenah, Grand Highblood x Signless
After reading and writing a couple of characters of my own and even reading a lot of x readers from others I thought what the hell and do one myself :)
I have noticed something while reading some stories that have one thing in common, none of the stories I reed had mentioned anyone being from the ace community or in the ace spectrum
Within the ace community there's a lot of different spectrum under the ace umbrella
This one shots will feature the characters from Danny Phantom, I loved what some people where writing for yandere themed but there wasn't a lot if it