She looked magnificent.
With her big brown eyes, and luscious brown hair, she was the most amazing thing to look at right there. Veronica Sawyer was just too beautiful for his eyes to register it all properly.
And she was all his, too. She wasn't going anywhere, just like how he wasn't going anywhere, and they were happy that way.
"J.D? Come on, let's go get that slushee you were talking about," she chuckles, red lips smiling.
Jason Deans laughs a long with her, wrapping his arm around her small shoulders.
Boy, did he clean up well.
She couldn't stop looking at his white tank top underneath his black biker jacket, or the fact that he used hair gel to swipe his hair back and out of his face. His lips were upright in an ever-present smirk and she could just kiss him on the spot.
Of course, that could wait for later. Neither of them were leaving one another tonight, or any night for that fact, and they had the rest of their lives to do all the kissing and affectionate stuff they wanted.
Veronica mentally shook her head and looked up to find J.D staring down at her just as she had been gazing at him. She smiled.
"J.D? Let's go get that slushie."