hi, im gonna go ahead and tell you i suck at writing paragraphs but oh well im gonna try for you mamas. anyway i just start by saying, you make me so happy, like its actually unbelievable. you don't even have to try yet i still have a huge smile on my face because of you. you're literally everything i've ever wanted in a person and i hope i'm able to make you that happy and give you even more than you give me. you have my entire heart and you mean so much to me, like i never ever wanna lose you. i'm so glad that i met you and have you in my life. also i'm sorry in advance that you're gonna have to put up with me cus i can be hella annoying and clingy and i tend to let my jealousy get the best of me but somehow you still like me and which i dont even understand how but im happy you do cus i don't know what i'd do without you. like it's crazy thinking about how life was before i met you. you just came into my life out of no where and made me laugh and smile all the time. so thank you for that cus i know i'm a struggle. im gonna do everything i can to make sure you stay happy and have only positive vibes and energy around you cus you're an amazing person and you deserve it. uh idrk what else to say but i love you and all of your friends who took over my mb more than anything else in this world and all the other ones.
~ her boy, cam