
Beautiful person award! Once you get this award you should paste it to a conversation of 8 people who deserve it. Nothing happens if you break this chain, but it's nice to let someone know they're beautiful inside and out... Whenever you are down, remember that I'm always here, and that I always love you and will look up to you, and that I always want you to be happy and keep smiling. I just want to let you know that things can get difficult at times and life will be showing its cruelty to you, but it's okay to cry, it's okay to swear and shout, and never bottle it up. Whatever you do, just don't give up, just as much ugly life can get, it is always worth living. ❤️
           ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ You deserve the world


Hey Abiha! How are you doing? It would mean a lot to me if you could read my book and vote and comment on it. Thanks!❤


Ahh thank you so much! My wattpad has been acting up a bit lately so I just saw this ;) ❤❤❤❤❤❤


Hope you are fine too. Keep up with the good stories.


Hi Zehrah! I'm as fine as I can get with loads of homework and sleepless nights. I have been busy so I haven't had time to read but I'll surely read it and vote and comment. ❤️


Hey thanks for following I would be grateful if you could read my works. Any help like votes,comments,adds is appreciated.
          I hope you are doing fine have a good day /night
          Love Fatima!


@Abiha28 Thankyou! I am great :) (also sorry for the late reply i literally just saw it )