
Posted a new (rewritten) Fading Into Darkness. Please read and let me know what you think! Thank you ^o^


@Angel0fSweden Hey would you please check out my poetry anthology I Am Fine? It would really mean a lot to me


Excellent! I hope you will enjoy reading!


Hi! I actually found it earlier today in my recommendations on the front page. Already have it on my reading list ^^ Haven't started reading it though but I'm planning on later tonight ♡


Hello (^_^)/
          I unpublished everything(except the one for my friend), cause let's be honest. None was really that great and I couldn't update :/ sooo.. I'm starting over. I will rewrite Fading Into Darkness (I thought of some really exciting things to add!) and hopefully I will be able to write more on it and update it more often(incase anyone is interested in reading it). That's all, hope you are having an awesome week! Thanks for reading :)
          ~ Angel0fSweden