
Happy New Year Jommy! ♡


@ CherryBlossom402  Happy new year! 


heyyy !! hope your doing okay, no matter how long it takes for you to take off(u deserve such a huge break) ill always be waiting for ya! make sure u stay hydrated,fed and good sleep! take as long as u want or need to come back!! <3


Hey @CherryBlossom402 i just read "Burn Me" and "Mine" and i wanted to tell you that the story is so interesting and so many plot twists (which im deeply in love with) i really cant wait for the next part and if possible maybe i could even join your patreon! (But dont get your hopes up pls bc im very broke..). Honestly, i have never enjoyed reading a fanfic so much... and i wanted to tell you to take care of yourself, i recently bumped into many discontinued fanfics due to the authors' mental health problems, overworking themselves, and t.b.c. i hope you're having a great day, and i wish you to have a great life. This probably won't be the last time i will be posting a message to you, but for now, i just wish you all the best, do not overworking and remember. SELF LOVE IS IMPORTANT ❤️❤️❤️❤️


@its_obsession no I’m pretty sure there’s a good bit of chapters left cause I checked the patreon :3


Recently I'm very nervous on where the author is taking the 'mine' plot with chapter 95 is making me feel so many emotions, AUTHOR YOU BETTER END THIS BOOK WITH A GOOD ENDING OR ELSE I CANT ANYMORE I WAS ALRDY FLABBERGASTED WITH THE FIRST BOOKS ENDING