
New account profile pic! Is it better? I don’t know, but it’s actually art now instead of a collection of random stock images I made in Pixlr!


Hey y’all; I’ll probably either be writing more or less across the next couple of weeks because I have broken my foot! On one hand I am in so much pain right now but on the other I might as well write since what else can I do really? Wishing you all the best 


Happy new year, Wattpad! Yesterday was my birthday; hence the lack of real progress in the Christmas-New Year period. It’s been a… year, that’s for certain. But you know how the saying goes- new year, new me! So I better make a start on tracking him down before he starts causing problems. 
          Stay safe out there, have a great year.


You ever rewatch something and realise ‘yeah this almost definitely had a major impact on my writing.’
          Anyway, what exactly is the best way to take the fact that The Paddington Movie was a major cinematic influence for you? Asking for a… me. 
          Best regards and have a stupendous day.


Rewriting my older chapters and like, damn… mid-teenagers with undiagnosed issues really will throw so much trauma at a seventeen year old and expect them to carry on as usual won’t they? I’m gonna need to write a ten chapter side book at this point named ‘Exo Goes to Therapy’
          Stay safe out there, have a great day. 


Happy Halloween y’all! Wish I had something to give but I’m putting all of my effort into getting Cryptotrappers complete and polished as quickly as possible. Looking forward to returning to other works at some point but this is a priority for me right now. I hope your day is good and that your November is fun.


Dear god, Cryptotrappers is currently the No. 1 ranked story on Wattpad in the Lovecraft tag? That’s… well it’s definitely something pretty impressive! Did not see that coming? Thank you everyone for the support throughout, I hope you continue to read and enjoy my work!