
Hello! I posted a Pokémon story. It’s mainly head-cannons that I’ve had while playing the games all these years. I hope you’ll take a look :)


Hey everyone. Long time no... well. Anything really. I have just posted a book full of ideas, and I have 2 chapters for a new BNHA book I’m writing in it. I’m seriously thinking about creating a separate story for it, and I’m really proud of how it’s turning out! Go check it out! 


I would love for any of you one piece fans to check out my new story. :))


I’m trying to write out more chapters before I publish more so that I can try to maintain an update schedule


Aw. Thank you for the tip! I’ll definitely keep it in mind!!!


It’s a nice start, but you should try other One Piece fics to make yours unique. I can tell the beginning is well thought out, but you have to maintain that same or better quality until the end. 
            For example, I didn’t really plan too far ahead in my Guardian of the Destined, so it’s just there among my published works, rarely updating. One Piece is a looooong story, so focus on what you can do to catch up before committing to a series like this, okay?


Hello. I know that most people don’t check the announcements, but I would really appreciate if you guys would check out my new story that is up! I’m really sorry that I have so many unfinished things. I have lots of stuff in the making as well, so keep your eyes out. 


Ok. For any manga readers out there, I’m looking for a certain manga that ends like La la land. There is a couple, but they don’t end up together. The last scene/ few pages show that in the future, they see each other on the street, and right as they are about to say something, the girls daughter calls for her, and she turns around to go with her husband and family. If anyone knows what this is, please tell me. Thank you