
Hi all! Want to give a heads up. Sorry but i have to take down DSBA and Peluang Kedua. Not giving up on them. Just needed changes. MAJOR changes. Penulisan, jalan cerita, cover buku and everything all together.
          	For DSBA, i am in the process of fixing the penulisan, jalan cerita and renewing the book cover and adding a few banners.
          	For Peluang Kedua, I need to fix the penulisan. Tu jer.
          	Thanks pada yang setia menunggu. Also, i want to ask if korang want me to make a Telegram channel? So i can update my future progress there?
          	Thats all, thanks!


Hi all! Want to give a heads up. Sorry but i have to take down DSBA and Peluang Kedua. Not giving up on them. Just needed changes. MAJOR changes. Penulisan, jalan cerita, cover buku and everything all together.
          For DSBA, i am in the process of fixing the penulisan, jalan cerita and renewing the book cover and adding a few banners.
          For Peluang Kedua, I need to fix the penulisan. Tu jer.
          Thanks pada yang setia menunggu. Also, i want to ask if korang want me to make a Telegram channel? So i can update my future progress there?
          Thats all, thanks!


Hi all. Rin here.
          Asalamualaikum to everyone. Rin wanted to clarify something.
          Maaf sebab I can't keep my promises. Rin decided to update the last chapter here iaitu BAB 32. So this is official. Im going for hiatus. Don't worry, I will comeback insyaallah. Tolong sentiasa support Rin and doakan Rin for the SPM. Ya?
          To my followers, maaf Rin tak dapat nak commit buat masa ni. I really loved writing. I do. Its my passion. But desperate time calls for desperate measures. 
          So it's official. I'm in Hiatus. See you when I see you!


Gudluck spm ‼️btw today trial’s right gudluck ye 