
Alright so you guys remember the one Spider-Man OS with 25 pages that I have written? Well, I decided to publish it in a OneShot book. So far there is only that OS published but there will be more, trust me. 
          	If you ever are bored and need something to read you can come and read that OS and even leave a comment if you want to give me some feedback...
          	Have a nice day;-)


@ JDStories007  short update on that OS. I have decided to turn it into a Series on AO3. If anyone is interrested in it, it is called "I am Spider-Man." on the account name JustMe007. 
          	  Go check it out, if you want.
          	  Until then, have a nice day;-)


Alright so you guys remember the one Spider-Man OS with 25 pages that I have written? Well, I decided to publish it in a OneShot book. So far there is only that OS published but there will be more, trust me. 
          If you ever are bored and need something to read you can come and read that OS and even leave a comment if you want to give me some feedback...
          Have a nice day;-)


@ JDStories007  short update on that OS. I have decided to turn it into a Series on AO3. If anyone is interrested in it, it is called "I am Spider-Man." on the account name JustMe007. 
            Go check it out, if you want.
            Until then, have a nice day;-)


And another one... As most of you have probably realized by now this account started out with everything in German but now it is more or less all English. There is no real reason for it, it just sort of happened and to be honest, I like it that way it is. I have always liked English but my English was not good enough for writing stories but now I like to think that it is and thus have decided that this account is now an English one. The three German stories I have published here will remain but the following ones will be written in English. 
          Und noch eine Meldung, heute bin ich gut in Form. Den meisten von euch ist es sicherlich schon augefallen, dass dieser Account am Anfang nur auf Deutsch war (und zwar alles!) mit dem ein oder anderen Anglizismus, das versteht sich ja von sebst. Jetzt habe ich mich allerdings dafür entschieden, diesen Account in einen englischen "umzuwandeln" ergo alle Nachrichten hier werden nur noch auf Englisch stattfinden (war ja schon für ne längere Zeit der Fall aber jetzt ist es halt offiziell). Die drei Geschichten auf Deutsch werde ich weiterhin behalten und vielleicht auch mal updaten aber alle anderen Geschichten, die ich in Zukunft veröffentlichen werde, werden auf Englisch sein. Das wäre auch schon alles.
          Have a nice day;-)


As you can tell I have decided to delete some of my stories. The deleted stories were those which I have not updated for over two years by now and so I decided to get rid of them. I have kept four stories and those are the ones I think I will update again (eventually) but not right now or in the near future because I am already working on something which deserves my full attention as of right now. (It is quite possible that you will hear from that project sooner rather than later if everything goes according to plan.)
          Und jetzt auch noch auf Deutsch:
          Ich habe den Großteil meiner veröffentlichten Geschichten gelöscht, einfach weil es bei fast allen über zwei Jahre her ist, seit ich da mal was Neues zu geschrieben hatte. Vier Geschichten habe ich behalten, weil ich für diese vier schon noch Updates plane, nur nicht momentan oder gar in der absehbaren Zukunft, da ich im Moment an einem Projekt arbeite, das meine gesamten Aufmerksamkeit verdient hat. Von diesem Projekt werdet ihr auch recht bald etwas hören, wenn alles so läuft wie geplant.


this message may be offensive
Okay, okay, okay so... I may have written a Spider-Man One Shot some time ago and now just wanted to know how many computer pages that OS has and so I copied it and "put" it in my writing program here on my computer... So you know I was expecting like 15 pages at most but as it turns out I am actually even more insaen than I thought I am because the OS is about 25 copmuter pages long... Yep, 25... What the fuck is wrong with me???
          So um anyways I just wanted to ask if anyone was interrested in reading this OS (it is basically my take on Endgame with a "little" twist) because if so I would publish it here alongside some other Spider-Man OS (though they are not as long)... Just let me know if you want to read what I came up with...
          Oh and I almost forgot, have a nice day;-)


Does anyone have any recommendations for some shows to watch? It doesn't have to be about christmas just any show at all would be amazing... 
          I am asking because I can't find anything to watch anymore...
          If you are looking for some shows to watch here is a short list of the ones I have watched this year and absolutly loved:
          -LUCIFER (it is so GOOD!!!)
          -BONES (just... Just give it a try, trust me.)
          -Motherland:Fort Salem (amazing!)
          -The Wilds (the end is so AH!)
          -Avatar:The last airbender (amazing!)
          -Legend of Korra (yes!)


@ SpiderIdiot Considering I watched BONES I do think I can handel murder/blood/gore so thank you for your recommendation I am definetly going to give it a try. ;-)


@JDStories007 I recommend The Alienist, but only if you can handle murder/blood/gore


I have just finished watching 'Motherland:Fort Salem' season 1 and let me tell you it is amazing!!!! AMAZING!!!!!!! The whole idea and just... Everything! And the season's final... Ahh... I can'f freaking wait for season 2!!!!! 
          I NEED season 2!!!!!!!!!!!
          I NEED SEASON 2!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
          That's it... That's everything I wanted to say... 
          Bye... I hope you are having a great day ;-)


Alright so, we have had an aquarium for about 10 years now and many ups and downs that came with it. Begining with the first fish we ever had who died before we even could put them in the aquarium but that is a story for another time...
          So, some time ago my Dad and I went looking for new fishs to buy because we only had 3 left. And so we went and bought the new fishs. A day later my Mom went in the basement (also where the aquarium is) to do the laundry and then she suddenly hears water drops falling down and hitting the floor. She goes to look what is causing these noices and it was the aquarium loosing its water. She calls my brother and I and we come running downstairs. My Mom got a big plastic container which we used to save the water from the aquerium (there is a special tool for that which we used but I don't know what it is called), ince the plastic container had enough water in it we started getting the fish in it as well as the plants etc. My brother called my Dad to tell him that he had to buy a new aquarium on his way home which he did. When he arrived home we started setting the new aquarium up, putting the sand and the water in first, then the plants etc and then the fishs. We were so worried that they would not survive that much stress.
          And today I go downstairs to feed them and what do I see?
          THEY ARE SO CUTE!!!!!!!!!!
          That's all I wanted to tell you...
          Have a nice day ;-)


And another update on the baby fishs... We now have 20... Yep, you read that right 20 and they are supr adorable! Some of them are already showing a little bit of colour... They are soo CUTE!!!


SEVEN BABY FISHS!!! We have SEVEN!!!!!! And they still are sooo CUTE!!!!


Leute, ich bräuchte mal wider eure Hilfe...
          Es ist in meinem Freundeskreis allseits bekannt, dass ich nicht sonderlich technisch begabt bin und genau das zeigt sich jetzt wieder einmal...(Es ist ein Wunder, dass es hier erst jetzt passiert...)
          Also, ich schreibe Momentan eine "Geschichte" auf Englisch und habe eine Person hier auf Wattpad gefunden, die so freundlich war mir dabei zu helfen/Korrektur zu lesen... Das ist ja auch alles schön und gut... Aber wie, um alles in der Welt, kann ich dieser Person nun das Kapitel/die "Geschichte" schicken, sodass sie Korrektur lesen kann? 
          Bei mir kommt zwar die Auswahl "Geschichte schicken" in dem Chatt, gehe ich aber darauf werden mir keine Geschichten angezeigt, die ich schicken könnte... 
          Es wird dringlichst um Hilfe gebeten...


          So I need help you guys...
          So I have a story idea and I would like to write said story in English... Now sadly English is one of the languages I can better talk than write...
          So I wanted to ask if someone of you who is either very good in English or whose(?) native language is English would proof-read every chapter before I published it...
          If any of you do want to do what I just wrote (+are good in English/native language... you know what I mean) just send me a private message here...
          Alright, that is it for now...
          Also, jetzt nochmal das Ganze auf Deutsch, damit auch jeder weiß, was hier gerade abgeht...
          Also, ich brauche Hilfe...
          Und zwar, habe ich schon seit geraumer Zeit eine Idee für ein Buch, doch ich möchte dieses auf Englisch schreiben. So, das einzige Problem dabei ist, dass ich Englisch halt einfach besser reden als schreiben kann... Und daher brauche ich eure Hilfe...
          Wenn irgendwer von euch entweder sehr gut in Englisch (vor allem dem Schriftbild) ist oder Englisch sogar seine/ihre Muttersprache ist und bereit dazu wäre meine Kapitel nochmal Korektur zu lesen bevor ich sir veröffentliche, dann wäre ich sehr glücklich, wenn sich dieser jemand einfach bei mir via der Nachrichtenfunktion hier auf WattPad bei mir meldet...
          Also, das wäre es auch schon... 
          Nicht schüchtern sein, einfach anschreiben;-)
          Danke schon mal im Vorraus;-)