Happy Saturdaaaaaaay!!!!
It’s a beautiful day here in the U.K…so I have been fabulously lazy. I am still working one of my jobs, so I enjoy relaxing when I can.
Rewrites to ‘A Kiss Under the Kismet Tree’ are going really well, and I’m certainly on target for a festive release!!!! ✨✨✨
As for Hudson’s Heart, that is now with my lovely formatter, and I cannot wait to see what she does with it.
The interactions with my stories here at Wattpad, are gratefully still coming. I am SOOOOOOO appreciative of every vote and comment, I really am… which is why I say a huge THANK YOOOOOOU here and now!!!!
Next week, is another busy one. My car is being sorted for its MOT, I work four evenings, I am catching up with friends I haven’t seen in a while, and weather permitting, a third attempt at going up in an air balloon, is on Thursday… I am an equal measure of excited and terrified!!!!
How’s your week looking?