
Hey Dear Readers!  A little update on The Problem with Burnt Cookies, I'm currently taking a tiny break as a mental day to wrap my head around current events, it's taken a lot to adjust to, and I just need this time to hit pause, rest assured I will post chapters soon! Take care!


Hey Dear Readers!  A little update on The Problem with Burnt Cookies, I'm currently taking a tiny break as a mental day to wrap my head around current events, it's taken a lot to adjust to, and I just need this time to hit pause, rest assured I will post chapters soon! Take care!


Happy 2022!! May it be filled with lots of stories and reading for all of you! This is the year I rededicate myself to writing, so I am rewriting all of my stories over, they will be the culmination of all the blood sweat and free time i have,  I leave it in your hands dear readers, take care of it.


Would anyone be interested in either: 
          1) A book collaboration?
          2) A resurrection of one of my old books I have never posted up? 
          I need feedback people! 


@lux_en_tenebris_ Awesome! Let me know if you'd have something in mind :)


@lux_en_tenebris_ collaboration sounds interesting... It'd be fun!