
Say hi to us in our Discord server and here's the immortal link, tell me if ever it's not working cause Discord sometimes is salty so I can give you a new one, have fun! 


If people doesn't like fanfictions and improvised ideas, I don't need you in my profile. Better get out before I start to mention name(s). Respect other people's opinions and creativity to write whatever they want to write. One should write without being prejudiced because he or she likes to write fanfictions and any other other worldly type of concept in their stories. This is a free place to write anything you want to express, be it an emotion or a thought by using the stories as an instrument. That's all.


but i love some revenge story, at mga kontra bida na type of story... :)


Thanks po sa follow :)


yeah haha .. same po pala tayu, type niyo rin po ba yung mga cassanova type of stories?